We are able to offer CT services in Leeds

Refer a Case

We are delighted to announce that we now have static CT services within our new site at the Moor Allerton Centre. We can take referrals for CT alone or CT with a view to managing (surgically or medically) the diagnosed condition.

Cases for CT referral include:

  • Ear conditions
  • Spinal problems
  • Nose conditions including persistent nose bleeds, sneezing or facial swellings
  • Orthopaedic conditions in particular those involving the knees and elbows
  • Screening for metastatic neoplasia

Other Clinical Indications include:

Nasal/sinus disease – helps differentiate neoplasia from rhinitis and guides biopsy

Oncology – Staging and pre-surgical planning – CT is easily done at the same time as core biopsy or lymph node FNA – this is particularly useful for suspected soft tissue sarcomas – in general very useful for giving the following information:

  • What is the origin of the mass?
  • Where are the margins of the mass?
  • Is the mass invading important structures?
  • Is underlying bone destruction present?
  • Is surgical resection possible?

Thoracic and abdominal met checks – CT is more sensitive than thoracic radiographs and can also be more useful than abdominal ultrasound for bigger dogs or imaging masses in the pelvic inlet/canal CT is particularly useful for mediastinal and lung masses.

Middle/inner ear evaluation - determines middle or inner ear disease, can identify chronic changes and neoplasia – can help to guide the choice of surgical procedure.

Skull trauma – good sensitivity for fracture identification and brain haemorrhage (NB. IV contrast contraindicated in some cases where raised ICP is suspected).

Brain scans – CT allows visualisation of most brain tumours and is useful for first line imaging, but is less sensitive than MRI for tumours, inflammatory, and vascular conditions.

Endocrine - With contrast enhancement, CT is very sensitive at detecting pituitary macroadenomas since the
pituitary gland does not have a blood-brain barrier and will readily contrast enhance.

Neurology – when combined with myelography, CT is good at detecting intervertebral disc prolapse/extrusion and degeneration as well as spinal fractures and bony abnormalities – MRI is more sensitive for assessment of the spinal cord itself.

Lameness diagnosis – CT is much more sensitive than radiographs for the forelimbs, particularly elbows and
shoulders, and is also very useful for assessing the pelvis and hips.


The CT scanner is based at: